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The divorce rate hovers at 50%. Because half of our teenagers live in single parent households -- they are at risk. Still, even with the battering that families are under, the family is the basic building block of society. We can do far more to enrich marriages, hold families together -- and raise children to healthy maturity.

Centered Leadership Systems gives parents the insight and skills to make that happen. The success rate is quite extraordinary. It empowers parents to fully understand, anticipate, and deal with their children -- and each other. It will enhance family loyalty, affection, and a nurturing environment that supports all members to fulfill their highest potential -- with no one left out.

What Centered Leadership System Graduates Say:

"Centered Leadership Systems is a way of life that...has given me the ability to adjust to any situation with a positive, loving attitude to those around me...I just feel better about myself, what I do and how I respond to any situation." B.N.

"Centered Leadership Systems has had a positive effect on my life, both personally and professionally...I am a more confident, happier person...Overall, this program has had more helpful information contained in it than many classes I have taken." D.A.

"Centered Leadership has added personal depth to my life which didn't exist before...I feel even better about myself and my ability to direct my life... It has provided me with a positive way to reach kids, so they can grow." M.L.

"I have stopped letting unimportant things get me down and frustrated. As a result, I am calmer in my dealings with others, stress and tension are greatly reduced, and I no longer feel defensive... when confronted by others who disagree with what I'm doing. My ulcer is healed and I have not had a migraine headache this year." E.K.

"I rarely hang onto bad feelings anymore. I never hold a grudge." J.A.

"I no longer raise my voice and we work things out together." R.O.

"I have new skills in training children and working with teenagers that have created self-esteem in both my children and myself. What is one child's self-esteem worth?" M.B.

"As a teenager...I get along better with my family. By keeping my word, I am trusted more and I have more freedom." M.F.

"...Thanks to you, I haven't returned to drinking or smoking even though I live around it every day." D.J.

"I no longer get angry very quickly and I am much calmer. I have not had a migraine headache in many months. Attending the follow-up sessions has helped me by reinforcing what I am learning..." C.K.

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